University of Glasgow Understanding Consumers Questionnaire


  1. You are advising the marketing team of a new British company locally producing high performance athletic wear targeting elite pro and amateur athletes. The team struggles to make a decision regarding the type of appeal to adopt for their promotional messages. Based on what you know about consumers’ information processing, and rational vs emotional appeals, provide recommendations to the team on the best approach to appeal to their target consumers. Use examples and relevant academic and trade references to make a compelling case to present to the team. 
  2. Provide a recent example of conspicuous consumption from a personal experience or something you have seen in the media (you cannot pick an example covered in class). Include in your answer:  1) a photograph and the source where it is from  2) a very short description of what you have selected it and why it qualifies as conspicuous consumption (250 words max), and 3) Using your example and relevant academic literature explain how engaging in conspicuous consumption may contribute to an individual’s self-concept


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