MATH 508 Grossmont College Dynamic Systems and Modeling for Questions


1. Solve the 7 questions of unit 5, page 5.1- 5.5

2. solve the questions of homework set 5 , page 5.6

NOTE. For the last question , you need the Glossary page , page 65-66.

 this was your sol for  q 11, unit 4, I just add the formula to part bThus  the last q of unit 5 , q 8 must be look like thar.Question 11:  (a) The relevant terms in the glossary are:  initial value problem (IVP)differential equationseparation of variablessolution to a differential equation (exact, particular, general, explicit, implicit)reverse product rulerate of changenumerical/analytic/graphical technique              (b) I think that adding the formula (Which is below) at the end will be useful, but when I watched the videos which posted by canvas, I believed they covered our need. It reinforced our skills about separation of variables, and how to get the integrating factor.  Standard Form      Integrating Factor


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