FIN 307 Grantham University Principle of Finance Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Prepare a PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation to define the following terms, using graphs or equations to illustrate your answers where feasible.

Risk in general; stand-alone risk; probability distribution and its relation to risk

Expected rate of return, ^r

  • Continuous probability distribution
  • Standard deviation, ?; variance, ?2
  • Risk aversion; realized rate of return, r
  • Risk premium for Stock i, RPi; market risk premium, RPM
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  • Expected return on a portfolio, r^p; market portfolio

Correlation as a concept; correlation coefficient, ?

Market risk; diversifiable risk; relevant risk

  • Beta coefficient, b; average stock’s beta
  • Security Market Line (SML); SML equation

Slope of SML and its relationship to risk aversion

  • Equilibrium; Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH); three forms of EMH
  • Fama-French three-factor model
  • Behavioral finance; herding; anchoring


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