Grantham University Management Essay


APA style

double spaced

You must also use at least three secondary sources

please note: the cover page and references page do not count as numbered pages.

You are going to apply the three-step writing process (planning, writing, and completing) to write a business research paper. For this assignment, you are free to write an informational report, an analytical report, or a proposal. (Informational or Analytical report

“Informational reports offer data, facts, feedback, and other types of information, without analysis or recommendations.”

“Analytical reports offer both information and analysis and can also include recommendations.”

If you don’t already have a company in mind, I would suggest picking a Fortune 500 Company. You will find plenty of information on any of these companies. The company’s website counts as one of the three secondary sources.

Your report should include:


-Introduction. Please include a short statement of purpose.

-Company Description. Provide a brief overview of the company.

-Background and History.

-Company Mission Statement.

-Products and Services.

-Major Competition.

-Marketing Strategy.

-Diversity Plan.

If you are writing an Analytical Report, feel free to include a S.W.O.T. Analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Threats).


Business Proposal.

“Proposals are a special category of reports that combine information delivery and persuasive communication.”

Feel free to write a proposal for a business you would like to start.

Your proposal should include:

-Executive Summary. (A brief summary of your proposal.)

-Description of Business.

-Mission and Objectives. (Explain the purpose of your business and what you hope to accomplish.)

Products or Services.

-Market and Competition. (Demonstrate to potential investors that you understand your target market.)

-Marketing Strategy.

-Management. (A description of key staff members.)



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