Ashford University The Current Issues in Education Bibliography



Assignment: Paraphrasing and Quoting

In this module, you discovered that adhering to standards of academic integrity has value for you personally and professionally as a special education scholar-practitioner and as a leader in the field of special education. For this Assignment, you will have the opportunity to practice some of the skills crucial for ensuring academic integrity in your writing: properly attributing and citing the sources of information, paraphrasing, and direct and block quoting.

To prepare:

·Identify three scholarly articles (primary sources published within the past 5 years) related to your identified issue in the field of special education in addition to the ones you have already identified.

·Review resources from Module 4 on primary and secondary sources.

·Review the APA manual (7th edition) on paraphrasing and quoting.

·Complete the Paraphrasing and Quoting Exercise from the Module 5 Learning Resources (I attached it)

Submit your completed Paraphrasing and Quoting Exercise using the three current articles you identified for this Assignment. Provide the APA citation, a synopsis that demonstrates your understanding and use of paraphrasing and quoting for each, as directed on the template.


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