CAPS 401 West Coast University Treatment and Prevention of Obesity Research Paper


You will be picking the topic because this assignment will be an on going one as it builds up to the final assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a strong, working foundation for your final paper. You will identify a topic area and develop a problem- or issue-related topic within that area of interest. As you develop this specific topic, keep in mind that your eventual goal is to formulate and present a solution to the healthcare issue or problem you identify.

Your topic proposal should include the following items and address the following:

Describe the topic you wish to pursue.

  • It may be somewhat broad at this point and it may imply a problem. Use the Additional Resources in your course materials to help you search for ideas.

Identify your purpose: Why are you interested in this topic? (Narrow your topic.)

  • Specifically explain what it is that fascinates you or draws you to this topic.
  • Clearly describe the topic’s relevance in the field today.
  • Identify a purpose for a paper on this topic:
    • What might you accomplish in exploring this problem?
    • What is your intended goal?
      • To evoke change
      • To make new connections (new cause and effect)
      • To introduce a new theory, solution, or idea
    • Is this goal realistic?

Identify a problem within the topic and draft a problem statement. (It will likely evolve and be revised as you progress through your research.)

  • Identify a problem related to your topic and state it.
  • The problem statement should be specific and indicate the focus of your final paper.
    • Not too narrow, not too broad
    • Intellectually challenging (a simple solution is not apparent)
  • Who would benefit from a solution to this problem (who is the target population)?

Your paper should be 1–2 pages. Adhere to APA Style throughout.


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