FSU Ancient Mythology The Role of Eve in the Second Creation Myth Discussion


please post a response to ONE of the following questions in one paragraph

  1. How would you characterize Eve’s role in the second creation myth in Genesis (Genesis 2.4-3)? Try to put aside later interpretations of Eve and just look closely at the text of Genesis. Is she a sympathetic figure? Who is the more important actor in the story, Adam or Eve?
  2. How is the creation myth in Hesiod’s Theogony both similar to and different from the creation myth we find in the Enuma Elish?
  3. How are the succession myths in Hesiod’s Theogony different from the succession myth we find in the Song of Kumarbi?
  4. Bring up a point of your own! Be sure to develop and expand on it and to use examples.


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