Houston Community College The Ayala Case Case Analysis Response


Write 700 words (2.5 double-spaced pages) on the following question:

Was it morally permissible for the Ayala’s to conceive a child in the hope that it would be a compatible donor that could save their other child’s life?

You must use Kant’s moral theory somewhere in your answer. Explain Kant’s moral principle. Choose either the Principle of Ends or the Principle of Universal Law and not both. Explain how it applies to this case. You may use it in the argument for your position (item B below) or as a possible objection to your case (item C below).

Your response should include:

A. A brief summary of the main problem and relevant background facts and a clear statement of your position on the case. (see item number 1 in Guidelines for a Case Study Analysis in Burnor & Raley, pp. xxiii)

B. An argument in support of your position on the case, which includes a moral principle. (see items 3 & 4 in Guidelines for a Case Study Analysis in Burnor & Raley, pp. xxiii-xxiv)

C. Describe and respond to at least one possible objection to your position. (see item 5 in Guidelines for a Case Study Analysis in Burnor & Raley, pp. xxiv)


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