Japanese Mandalas Questions


Answer the following questions in full sentences.

Q1: Which elements in the Taima Mandala come from India?

Q2: Which come from China or Central Asia?

Q3: Find the Taimadera, the temple where the mandala is kept today, in GoogleEarth. Go to streetview, explore a bit. Take a screenshot and attach it to your answer.

Q4: What, in short, is depicted in the bottom panels of the mandala?

Q5: Imagine the Pure Land had upgraded (or downgraded) its infrastructure and beings there were now able to use smart-phones. Why would a dating app nevertheless be useless?

For Q1, 2 and 4 work with Elizabeth ten Grotenhuis’ article on the Taima Mandala . (Use your own words, never copy from the text.) Read for information, i.e. understand the questions then find the answers to them in the text.

You can find images of details of the mandala in the slides. Other large images are also findable on the net.


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