Johnson & Wales University Bloomberg Sports Analytics Company Case Study


Please note: all information must be included in each section. Failure to do so will result in a reduction of the points awarded to each section.

Section One – Background

State the salient FACTS of the case. Provide a thorough background and history of the company. Be concise and precise. One page or less

Section Two – Problem Statement

Thoroughly state the central problem, NOT the symptoms of the problem, found in the body of the case.

One paragraph

Section Three – SWOT analysis

LIST in rank order the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relating to the company which is the subject of this case study. Four lists with at least 4 points under each category (SWOT).

Section Four – Alternative Solutions

LIST a minimum of four alternative solutions and a minimum of two benefits (pros) and two consequences (cons) associated with each alternative solution. Four alternative solutions with 2 pros and 2 cons each.

Section Five – Conclusion and Recommendation

Design an action plan to solve the original problem. Include a minimum of three recommendations which addresses the original problem statement. Evaluate the risks and rewards of each of your recommendations. Write a conclusion of the outcomes you foresee from your recommendations.


  • All work MUST be word processed in 12-point, double-spaced format.
  • All work MUST be error free
  • Content and style are BOTH important – it’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it!
  • Label EACH section, chart, page, etc.
  • Include a title page, table of contents, works cited/reference page, etc.


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