Miami Dade College Straw Man Fallacy in Disagreements on Moral Issues Essay


essay 400 words

Topic B:

Why do you think people are tempted to use the straw man fallacy in disagreements on moral issues? How do you feel when someone uses this fallacy against you? To demonstrate your understanding and to teach the idea to the rest of the class, provide a relevant real-life example of the logical mistake. (You MAY use an outside source to help you present your example; be sure to summarize or paraphrase, cite, and use announcing verbs.) Choose carefully—consider whether your example does a good job of illustrating a Straw Man. Compare it to similar fallacies, and show why your example is a Straw Man rather than another fallacy like an Appeal to the Person. The discussion of your example should be detailed so that readers can evaluate the fallacy. Argue the case for why your example is an example of Straw Man.

Note: Use your textbook to help you respond to the topic, and when you quote and summarize from the course texts, include information about the page reference.

Doing Ethics:Moral Reasoning, Theory, and Contemporary Issues Fifth Edition

by Lewis Vaughn (Author)

NOTE: You are discouraged from using additional sources. If you do choose to use an outside source, be sure to cite your source, just as you do when you use the course texts. If you use a quotation or an example from a website, cite the website’s URL and the date accessed.

Reference: Chapter #3 Evaluating Moral Arguments


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