Part 3: ch 12
Write 3 pages on the “Suffering Servant” section of Moral Vision, Chapter 12, pp. 150-5.
Include in your answer:
- )note the content of the suffering servant passages (pp. 150-1).
- Isaiah 42: 1-4, (Links to an external site.)
- Isaiah49: 1-6, (Links to an external site.)
- Isaiah 50: 4-9, (Links to an external site.)
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12, (Links to an external site.)
- 2.)The three points made on pp. 152-4 about “What does this new salvation, offered for all nations, involve?” (p. 152).
Book reference:
McCarthy, D. M., Donohue, J. M., & Mattison, W. C. (2018). Moral vision: Seeing the world with love and justice. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company