NVCC Ivy Park Adidas & Peloton Merger SWOT Analysis & 4Ps Paper


The topic is the Ivy Park: Adidas & Peloton merger

SWOT analysis with a brief discussion of the implications

4P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion Harveen

 Product: What is the offering, and how does it create value. Be sure to consider both the product and service attributes.

 Price: What is the price, and how does it capture value. Be sure to consider how the price of the offering aligns with the ther P’s and contributes to the perception of the overall brand.

 Place: Where is the offering sold and how does it deliver value? Be sure to consider how the delivery channels used to align with the other P’s and contribute to the perception of the overall brand.

 Promotion: What are the current marketing communications used to communicate the value? Be sure to consider how the promotion tools used to align with the other P’s and contribute to the perception of the overall brand.


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