Ottawa Malthusianism & The Environmental Crisis Experienced Today Research Paper


This essay must be at least 2,000 words long including the introduction, body and conclusion, but not the bibliography. Though a bibliography must be appended, which lists all the books and articles used, quoted or simply consulted for this assignment.

Choose one of these following topics

1. Do you think that Malthusianism is one among the best solutions to the environmental crisis we experience today?

2. « With the resurgence of biology and genetics as arbiters of health and wellness, it is urgent that we approach them through the frameworks of feminist science studies ». Discuss this Subramaniam’s quotation in referring to concrete examples.

3. “Whereas science fiction celebrates science and technology by endorsing their ability to shape our lives, mad scientist stories embody the opposite message, that science threatens our well-being ». Discuss this Toumey’s citation in referring to concrete examples.

4. « The ecological critique can be understood as a constant warning against oversimplifications that are often introduced to ease the world of analysis ». Discuss this Barker and Kitcher’s statement in referring to concrete examples.

More details are in the attached file.


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