PHI 101 SC Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living and We Go Through Life Sleep Walking Paper


• All Papers must be UPLOADED online on Canvas under the Upload link

• Papers can be turned in up to 7 days late but they will be have 2 points deductions per day its late.

• All Papers must be at least 4-5 pages / 1200-1400 word count but not more than 7 pages

• All papers must have an INTRODUCTION, many body PARAGRAPHS and a CONCLUSION.

• All papers must be double spaced and size 12 font only.

• Side margins must be set at 1-1.25 margins.

• All papers must use FOOTNOTES for all citations. Guidelines on Footnotes are posted online

• All papers must include citations and textual support from at least two of the scholarly articles in our textbook

• Please make sure to also include any material from our course lectures, readings, posted links, class discussions, movies, video links, etc.

• This is not a research paper. Do not use any sources outside of our textbook, Canvas and authorized posted links and videos.

• You DO NOT NEED to write a Work Cited page or Bibliography page.

How serious is Plagiarism: Standards and policies differ from one school system and institution to the next, but plagiarism is generally considered a serious violation of academic standards and a detriment to education. Our culture puts a high value on original thinking and intellectual property, and these principles apply not only in academic but also professional and commercial settings. The degree of “seriousness” is ultimately up to individual institutions, as embodied in their stated policies and their efforts to educate students, faculty and staff on the importance of the issue.

Chapter One and Two Topic:

Write a paper on Socrates’ quotes Socrates: “The Unexamined Life is not worth living” and “We go through life sleep walking”

1. Reflect and explain Socrates quote IN YOUR OWN WORDS. 2. Refer to any of your classroom discussions 3. Refer to any of your homework Assignments 4. Refer to any of the following movies and video clips embedded in the lecture slides 5. Refer to any of video clips and stories and links embedded in the lecture slides and on Canvas 6. Refer to any of lecture slides and your lecture notes 7. Reflect on what type of person and philosopher Socrates was 8. Reflect on why he might have been brought up on charges and condemned to die. 9. Reflect on how Socrates felt about the trial and his death 10. Share and discuss this quote with family and friends and include insights gained from these conversations

12. You have 100% freedom on how to approach this task. Be creative! Think outside the box. Teach me!

13. Have confidence in who you are as a student, a writer and a philosopher!

14. Bring in material from Chapter One and Chapter Two

15. A strong paper will have citations from the textbook to back up and support your ideas

Reflect on the following links and include in your paper:

Waking Life:…

The Death of Socrates Painting from David:… a=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt7Y-j2oHSAhWIrlQKHTmiAscQ_AUIBigB

Life as Jelly Beans:

Everybody dies but not everybody lives:

American Beauty:

Nurse Reveals The Top 5 Regrets People Make On Their Deathbed:

Science of Happiness I:

Science of Happiness II:

Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Nature |Louie Schwartzberg:

Finding your Meaning of Life

The employees shut inside coffins

A Good Day to Die: Fake Funerals in South Korea

Shots of awe: mortality

Shots of Awe: Conquering our fear of death

Shots of Awe: Why are we so unhappy

Dr Cornel West The Unexamined Life is not worth living

Waking Life movie:


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