3000 words. Pick ONE of the two following options:
Option 1: Is affirmative action fair? Why or why not?
Support your position by drawing upon one of the three major ethical theories that we have
considered in the lectures: either utilitarianism (Bentham and Mill) or deontology (Kant and
Rawls) or virtue ethics (Aristotle).
Start your paper this way: Within the context of (pick one) utilitarian/deontological/virtue ethics,
‘affirmative action’ is (pick one) fair/unfair.
Explain ‘affirmative action’ and why some might think it either fair or unfair.
Explain the ethical theory that you have chosen to frame your discussion.
Show why ‘affirmative action’ is either fair or unfair within the context of this theory.
What does your conclusion mean for the validity of the theory in question? Should we
therefore accept or reject this particular theory?
Option 2: Are so-called ‘hired guns’ fair? Why or why not?
Support your position by drawing upon one of the three major ethical theories that we have
considered in the lectures: either utilitarianism (Bentham and Mill) or deontology (Kant and
Rawls) or virtue ethics (Aristotle).
Start your paper this way: Within the context of (pick one) utilitarian/deontological/virtue ethics,
‘hired guns’ is (pick one) fair/unfair.
Explain what ‘hired guns’ refers to and why some might think it either fair or unfair.
Explain the ethical theory that you have chosen to frame your discussion.
Show why ‘hired guns’ is either fair or unfair within the context of this theory.
What does your conclusion mean for the validity of the theory in question? Should we
therefore accept or reject this particular theory?