PHIL 341 West Coast University Social Media Advertisement & Main Claim Discussion


Choose an advertisement on television, on the radio, on the Internet, or in print.

Describe, deconstruct, and analyze the advertisement by answering the following items:

  • Where did you find the advertisement ?
  • Briefly describe the scenario depicted in the advertisement.
  • What product is advertised?
  • Who is the audience for this advertisement? How do you know this?
  • Identify the main claim in the advertisement.
  • Is the claim credible? Why or why not? Use class terminology to explain.
  • What might make the claim more credible? What might make it less credible?
  • How does the author use rhetorical strategies to sell this product to its audience?
  • Does the advertisement reveal any cognitive biases? Which ones and how?

Your analysis must be at least 400 words in length and follow APA Style formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.


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