PHL 1010 Columbia Southern University Are all Human Beings Equal Position Paper


The paper is already written. I need someone to check it out and revise it for me based on the instruction and sample paper.


A 2-3 page Position Paper on an approved philosophical question. Students are expected to explain the issue (1/2-1 page), make rigorous philosophical arguments for their side of the issue (1 page), raise objections from the opposing viewpoint (½-1 pgs), and address these objections (½-1 page). This paper is an exercise in argumentation. You will be graded on how well you argue both sides of the issue, not if you come to the correct conclusion. This paper is also meant to let your professor see how well you can argue at the beginning of the class to compare it to how you can argue at the end of class. Please use the tools of argument and justification provided in David Morrow’s Giving Reasons or the handout on it if you are having trouble crafting your arguments.


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