San Diego State University Structuralism and Subjectivity Context Discussion


  1. What is the range of signs presented?
  2. What is the relation between words and signs?
  3. What is the signifier and the signified?
  4. What is FDS’s “world-changing” claim?
  5. What is the origin of language on the account that FDS is challenging?
  6. How does FDS’s critique of this view of the origin of language relate to Nietzsche’s account of the origin of truth and lie in a nonmoral sense?
  7. What is the importance of structure and syntax as it relates to meaningfulness?
  8. What is structural linguistics and what is its range or the range of structural signs?
  9. What is the relation between structuralism and subjectivity and self-identity? And how does this relate to the prevalence of the notion of “narrative”?
  10. How is the matter of social-constructivism related to structuralism and the changing understanding of history and how history is told?
  11. How does structuralism challenge western philosophy’s basic epistemological structure and the very notion of objectivity?
  12. How does structuralism challenge existentialism? (Can we understand those parameters into which we are born if the structure or super structure itself contains biases to which we inevitably remain blind?)


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