- Make sure that you cite any material from the text, especially if you use direct
quotations. You can choose whichever citation format you know or prefer, but it
must minimally tell me the author and the page number. However, please do not
use large block quotations from the text in your paper. I want to hear your
explanation of the texts in your own words, which demonstrates how well you
understand the material. -
It is important that your essay support whatever argument you make with textual
evidence. This does not mean that you can’t go beyond the text or insert your
own opinion, but it is not sufficient to write a paper that only gives your opinion.
This means that your essay should be more substantial than telling me how you
“feel” about a text, or what your reaction to a text or video is. -
Your paper should do two things. First, it should answer all parts of the question
asked. Second, it should make an argument. A good argument begins with a
clear thesis or a statement about what you are going to be explaining/what your
position is. After you make a thesis statement, you must give your support or
justification for that thesis. In other words, after your state what you are doing in
your paper (your position), then you should give your argument for that thesis.
Again, make sure you use the text and or videos from class to do this! Finally,
your paper should have a conclusion, which is a summary of your argument and
why it supports your original thesis.