University of Illinois What Is a Good Life Stoic Perspective Discussion


For this discussion, you will once again use your imagination, show some familiarity with the material, and have a little fun!

1. First respond to a post from the last discussion ( file attached). Respond to it from a Stoic perspective.

2. You will choose a Roman name (….) and pretend to be a Roman who believes in Stoicism when writing your post. Be creative with your new character. For instance, you can add in little details drawn from (…) or other places where you find appropriate information, which explains the life of an ancient Roman. The point is to try to play the character and have fun with it!

3. Within your response, explain what you believe in as a Stoic. Be sure to emphasize a minimum of at least two of the main concepts we have gone over in the class material and use at least one quotation in your post spoken by the master himself, Epictetus. Once you have provided some background, point out at least one area of disagreement between you and the Epicurean whose post you are responding to. Keep it respectful!

Your post should be at least 300 words not including the quotation you will need to use but longer is fine. Be sure to examine the rubric associated with this forum closely so that you know exactly how your post will be graded. When writing your assignment it is best to try to satisfy all of the requirements in the “Exceptional” box of the rubric.


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