University of Texas at Brownsville What Is Science Discussion


What Is Science? Discussion Board

Discussion Prompt: Answer the following questions below

  1. Provide an example of an object that you take to be real and an example of an object that is not real or imaginary. What makes the one object real and the other object not?
  2. Provide an example of an object that you take to be invented and an example of an object that was discovered. Why do you think the one object was discovered and the other invented?
  3. Provide an example of an activity that you take to be a science, an activity that you take to be a non-science, and an activity that you take to be a pseudo-science. Provide a justification for each activity you have cited.

In Order To Submit:

  1. Respond to EACH question presented. Make a direct and concise submission.
  2. Minimum of 300 words!

An example of how the discussion should be answered will be attached!


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