WNMU Literature Review Discussion


In this essay, which needs to be a well-composed 1 page minimum or 2 pages maximum, complete a literature review and summarize the relevant parts. This should be very formerly written and properly cited as it could become a part of the final report. This would be an example of what would be included in the final report to the client. It should not be written in first or second person (no “I’s” , “us”, “we”, or “you’s”), be clear of grammar issues, and be overall formally presented with formal, professional business language, designed in paragraphs. Use the above articles from section 1 to serve as an idea of what a literature review would look like and create one covering the topic of our class project.

This submission relates to your term project or team term project.  You will need to perform a secondary research study that will be called a “literature review.” This means you need to go online and look for similar studies on the topic/customer satisfaction studies that relate to your company. The purpose of this is to provide a manager/owner of the company you selected with information about other studies on your topic. This can be related to competitors and/or the actual company you selected. This can include studies on changes in customer preferences in general, especially given COVID-19. 

The attached file gives the breakdown on how to write the literature review. 


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